Saturday, November 24, 2007

Carpet cleaning in Colorado or anywhere for the Holidays

Every child's dream is to spill thanksgiving dinner all over the once clean carpets? It seems that way at times. Our beloved children and pets seem to be working at mucking up our house before our family and friends get there. In panic we grab the nearest bottle of spot remover and go to town only to find bleach spots the next day. Helpful hint for cleaning carpet in Colorado or anywhere for that matter. #1- Do not use oxy cleaners on Nylon carpet. Do you have nylon carpet? Probably, most people have Nylon carpet and are horrified once the carpet dries after oxyclean and they are now missing carpet dye. If you like I can teach you how to test your carpet and determine what type of fiber you have. If you are need of a free spot guide you can go to
I invite all your carpet related questions concerning stains, cleaning methods, best type of fiber to buy, and anything and everything related to carpet cleaning.